Monday, 5 January 2015

Aftermath The Beginning part 4..

February 11th 2015.

The Dead Walk..

I wish i was joking about this but something horrific happened, we have had a quiet few weeks while being at the shopping centre, so much so that we've only just started journeying out to look for food and drink that's not ruined.
 Luckily it's been so cold that most the food we find has been preserved by the cold, so now the weather is warming up we decided to take the chance to find as much food as possible now the snow is melting, Unfortunate for us... That wasn't the only thing Thawing out..

We were in the East end, we'd walked for hours, Eventually finding ourselves near a group of promising looking shopping markets, We had been hearing odd noises all day, almost like a moaning on the wind, we paid it no heed, thinking it was the noise of the wind through the buildings.

We entered the Market in two's: Myself and Skyler, Tara and Eric, Matt and Katie bringing up the rear, we all split off in separate directions, Tara and Eric going left, Myself and Sky going down the middle and the others going right, we headed straight to the back end of the shop, where we could find medicines and other needed things like razors and washing supplies, while the others searched for food for the people back at base.

All was quiet until we had passed into the warehouse area behind the store, that's when we started hearing shuffling and moaning, unearthly sounds that spooked both of us, we decided to fetch the others before going to find out, after everyone was back together we headed towards the noises, weapons at the ready, Eric went on at the front of the group, pushing through the door to the main warehouse, the smell was horrific, that's what hit us first, so much so that Myself and Tara retched, Katie rushed back the way we had come to throw up, Eric slowed "is it Me or have the noises stopped?" he muttered, pulling his weapon closer, He pushed further into the darkness.

What happened next will haunt me forever...

As soon as we entered the room thee stench tripled, the moaning began again and the shuffling moved towards us, the darkness pressing in, Eric clicked on his torch and we all followed suit, shapes moved behind racks of products, the noises growing into a frenzy, a noise right next to Eric causes him to spin around.

the thing heading towards him is terrifying, it must have been a human once, but all traces of humanity had been lost, the skin was green mottled with brown, apart from where large chunks of skin had been ripped away, leaving muscle and bone exposed, it's eyes snow white and vacant, as it moved towards Eric it's bones cracked at its sudden speed, almost leaping onto Eric and sinking it's teeth into his neck, ripping out his throat in a torrent of blood and gore, the rest of us stumble back in shock and focus our torches on the scene before we notice that the creatures are heading towards us, before we can react another grabs Katie, two others helping to bring her down, teeth already buried into her, luckily I managed to grab her and between Skyler, Myself and Tara we got her out, she had suffered many bites, Matt was hitting them back with his Bat, yelling at them to back up, We dragged Katie from the room, rushing towards the outside world and freedom the noise of the creatures was close and as we rushed towards the doorway we realised it was a fire exit leading one way.... We were trapped......

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