Sunday, 18 January 2015

Liebster Awards

Hey there Ale-Gators! I just thought I would share this awesome news with You all!

Today I was nominated for a Blogging award known as the Liebster Award! 

Now until the other day I had no clue what so ever what a Liebster Award was but after a little research I was Supremely touched to have been included into such an awesome award scheme! 

A Liebster Award is given to a newer blogger by other new bloggers in an effort to boost marketing for both the nominated and the person who has done the nominating. It's great! Talk about helping out each other in the Blogging Community!

I was nominated by the Wonderful NerdyBeau!

My 11 Nominations:

Sannie Jönsson

All these guys are fantastic so go and check them out!

Now, there are rules to this.. and they are below! 

No.1 - Link the person who has nominated you.
No.2 - Answer the questions which your nominator has given you.
No.3 - Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less that 200 followers.
No.4 - Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
No.5 - Notify all nominees via social media/blog. 
(I'm going to use the amount of followers someone has on Bloglovin' as a cap)

1.What beauty/skin product out of your current collection is your favorite?

My personal favorite has to be my amazingly awesome FCUK Body/hairwash which smells lovely and leaves my hair and beard silky smooth! 

 2. How long have you been blogging for?

I've been Blogging for around six months now having been doing mainly Vlogging with My old team over at Random mo Productions aswel as online radio with P5 radio! so Blogging is relatively brand new to Me!

 3. Blogging or Vlogging?

I used to love doing Vlogging but I found it too time consuming while trying to actually get work done whereas Blogging I can fit around everything else.... BUT for YouTube purposes I still Vlog aswel, In short i prefer to Blog 

 4. Why did you start you blog?

I started it as a way to branch out from Radio and YouTube! Nowadays I'm more into the Blogging then anything else!

 5. What is your favorite weekend activity?

Well that's between Archery and Paint balling!

 6. If you could take one person anywhere in the world, who would it be and where would you take them?

I would definitely take Georgia with me and i'd just get an awesome car (Toyota GT-86) and drive the world!!

 7. favorite shop?

Games-Workshop... Warhammer is my Plastic Crack!

 8. Starbucks or Costa?

Starbucks... no competition!

 9. Do you join the #fblchat or #bloghour on twitter and if so do you enjoy it?

I don't at the moment but I am hoping to on the next one!

 10. What is your favorite book? 

I have to say that it's between Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante Alighieri's Dante's Inferno.

11. Who's blog have you been looking at a lot recently?

Probably will have to be truthful and say Nerdy beau's as it's on of my favorites!

My questions:

1. how do You get into the right mind to write a post?

2. Where do You see Yourself in five years?

3. What has been the best feedback You have had on Your blog?

4. Is this something You want to make Your career or do you want it to stay a hobby?

5. Where is Your favorite place to go for Coffee?

6. Favorite shop?

7. Favorite item of clothing?

8. Dream Holiday?

9. Blogging or Vlogging?

10. One thing You can't live without?

11. Finally! what is the personal Favorite Blog post You have written?

I look forward to all the answers! Thanks to NerdyBeau for nominating me! I hope You have enjoyed the post guys! I'm easily reachable via my Email.

Feel free to follow Me:

See ya later My lovely friends! xx

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