Sunday, 18 January 2015

Top Five things to have with You in a Zombie apocalypse....

Well hello there Ale-Gators!

For the first major Blog post since I'm feeling well again (for details see My last Update: Here), I have decided to go back to My Geekier beginnings! So for this Edition I have decided to create a Top Five, It's been a while since we've had on of these (the last one being Gadgets I need in My life: Here), Which was quite a long read but You guys seemed to love it, So shall we get down to it?.... Lovely!

Now then... Cast Your mind into Your darkest nightmares... Imagine this: a world dead, empty but for the moaning of the Undead, All that is left of the Human race, Except for You and Your small group of survivors, what would You do? would You hole Your team up? Travel around looking for supplies? or cry in the corner?..... Well no matter what Your choice, I'm here to give You the Five best things to take with You! (if You want to read My take on a Zombie apocalypse then click Here).

5). Food and Water.

Now this is super important! always, always, ALWAYS, Carry Food and water with You, The last thing You need is to find an awesome place to wait out the aforementioned apocalypse and then realise... You don't have access to Food or a Water source! You may say "Oh, Well We can go and find more" but remember this, every time You leave Your hiding place You risk bringing back the Undead... Which as You know isn't a good thing! I suggest finding somewhere remote that You can fortify, Say a well fenced farm or maybe a water treatment plant.... Easy to defend and You'll have plenty of space to grow food!

4). Adequate Clothing.

Picture this: You're running away from the Undead... You are tired, finding it hard to stand... Then the heel snaps on Your brand new Prada shoes! Your ankle snaps sideways, You tumble and the next thing You know You're a Human Happy Meal... Ok! so You died looking fashionable but was it really worth it? Really? well then that's Your choice, I'll enjoy survival with My combat boots! good for both running and for kicking in Zombie heads! and with the weight of Them I'm getting a free leg work out... Every day is Leg Day!

3). Weapons (and Training!).

So You found a gun, Wow! Now You will become a Zombie killing Bad-ass! so You get one in Your sights, taking careful aim... You squeeze the trigger... BANG!! The kick back of the gun smashes into Your nose, Breaking it, causing You searing pain and blindness.... Meanwhile the bullet has missed the Zombie.. Which is now about an inch from You, and oh look.... You now have no throat! You died all because You decided to hold the gun "gangsta" in one hand at a stupid angle!
Play it smart Guys! if You don't know how to use it then don't bother, if You find a rifle use it as a club! also the sound of the gunshot would only serve to bring more Undead to Your position! how many bullets You got punk?... Take a bat instead, or maybe a sword... If You find one... Be careful if You do because You'll be as much a danger to Yourself and Your team as You are to the Undead!

2). Mobility.

This one is really dependent on Your survival plan.... if You plan on staying where You know then by all means ignore this one, if You plan on keeping on the move then pay attention.... Don't go for a fast car! go for something built to last, like a Lorry or a Bus, something You can carry plenty of supplies on aswel as other People, and if you have someone with the know how, have Them create a ram on the front to clear the roads ahead of You, fortify the windows with metal and You have a Undead killing machine!

1). Team Work.

If You thought You could do this all alone then You were wrong! Whose gonna have Your back in the thickest of problems, Whose going to help You plan scouting missions? Going it alone might be Cool and Mysterious but it's also the quickest way of getting Yourself killed unless You have army training!

I hope You guys have enjoyed this Top Five of the Zombie Apocalypse, I shall be posting more now I am back on My feet! Hopefully I will have some awesome things for You as of next week as Ubisoft Montreal have decided to send Me a mystery package! Remember to follow the links below to see all things I'm up to and to follow the Blog! I shall tell You what the package is as soon as I know! 

Facebook: Dark Noble

Bloglovin': Dark Noble


If You guys wanna get hold of Me then feel free at the email address below!

                                                              See You later Ale-Gators! xx

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